Parish Website: Fr. John Me Tiernan ~ 071-9164143 / Fr. John Sexton ~ 071-9164131. Dromahair ~ Killargue ~ Newtownmanor Sunday 30th September 2012 ~ The 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Thanks to all parishioners who voted in the election for the new Parish Pastoral Council It is hoped that all who have topped the poll in their respective categories will agree to be members of the Council, Names will be published next week. Sincere thanks for your generosity of spirit. GENERAL / CHURCH NOTICES. [A] Thanks to all who contributed to the AnnualSpecial Kilmore Diocesan Collection in support of Christians in the Holv Land. It is hoped to publish the total collected next weekend [B] St. Michael's Family Life Centre, Sligo: Enrolment for 2012 Autumn / Winter Programme is currently taking place. Enroll by phone at 071 - 9170329 or by e-mail: (a) Beginning Experience Programme ~ helping separated and widowed people start anew ~ commences in the Centre on Tuesday 16th October at 8.00pm. Contact Frances at 086 - 2574038 for details. fb) Parenting When Separated Programme begins in the Centre on Monday 15th October at 7.30pm. (c) Bereavement Support Grouor. When someone close to us dies we need support and understanding and an environment where we can express our feelings. This group will help us to do so. A minimum of 3 -6 months after the death is preferable and there will no more than 2 family members per group. Sessions begin at 8.00pm on Thursday 18th October and will continue for 6 consecutive Thursday nights. Contact Eileen at 9170329 for details. [C] World Mission Sunday will be celebrated this year on Sunday 21st October. Your are asked to remember the Missions in your prayers in the coming weeks. The final Special Collection of the year 2012 ~ for the Missions ~ is due on The money raised is made available to the neediest and the youngest Mission churches & Communities. [D] Parish Novena in Honour of St. Therese of Lisieux: Monday 1st October, the Feast of St. Therese, Mass will be at 7.30pm. [E] Friday next is the First Friday. Those concerned will be contacted beforehand to arrange a suitable time and date. [F] Weremember: Anne O' Connor (nee Clerkin), The Acres, Dromahair & formerly of Bloomfield, Ballintogher whose funeral took place in Sooey on Monday 24th September & Ciara Pugsley, 'Danara', Fenagh, Killargue whose funeral took place on Sunday, 23rd September. May they nest in peace. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. DROMAHAIR. 1. Mass: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9.30am; Friday ~ Wedding Mass ~ 1.30pm: Sunday 11.15am. 2-Prav for: Bridget & Sheila McGowan, Main St, Dromahair and deceased family, Mass Sunday 30th September at 11.15am. John Me Goey, Killargue, Mass Tuesday 2nd October at 9.30am. George Osborne, Ardee, Mass Wednesday 3rd October at 9.30am. Sis (Mary Elixabeth) Johnston, Main St, Dromahair & deceased family, Anniversary Mass Sunday 7th October at 11.15am. 3. Liturgy for October: Readers: Susan Kivlehan. Collectors: Micheal McGoldrick, Charlie McGowan & Sean McGoldrick. Altar Society: Ann O'Rourke & Breda Sweeney. THE CHURCH OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, NEWTOWNMANOR. 1. Mass: Saturday 11.00am «««NB; 5£//?