The Saturday evening Vigil Mass is celebrated in
Killargue at 8.00pm (7.00pm from November to March). The two
Sunday morning Masses in the parish are celebrated in
Newtownmanor at 10.00am and Dromahair at 11.15am. Consult your weekly
Parish Newsletter on times and days for weekday Masses.
Thanks to the
people of all three parish areas, particularly all those who help in such
a variety of ways, care for each church, contribute financially, take up
collections, are active in the altar society, give contributions for flowers, do beautiful floral arrangements, take part in the Liturgy, sing in the choirs
and provide musical accompaniment. Thanks to our soloists and instrumentalists for your
generosity and support throughout the year. A special word of thanks to the Parish Pastoral Council
and Finance Committee.
During Masses, Baptisms
or any Church Ceremonies, you are asked not to leave any valuables in
your car. Handbags should never be left on seats. There are people going
round at the moment very willing to break into your car and share your
property without your permission.
Three Child Protection Representatives from the Parish
have trained with Kilmore Diocese. Mary Brodie from Dromahair, Silé
Boles from Killargue and Breda Loughlin from Newtownmanor. They have
begun advising the priests of the parish, parents of servers, sacristans,
choir directors,
liturgy committees and anyone working with children, on best practice.
Designated Persons: Delegates appointed by the Bishop to receive any
complaint of child abuse by Church Personnel;
Sincere thanks to all parents who encourage and have
encouraged their children to serve at Mass. However, to ensure best
practice, it would be appreciated if parents could arrange among
themselves that one of their number could be present in the sacristy
before and after Mass.
Anyone who is not currently being
visited for the First Friday and would like to be visited, please
contact Fr. Paul at the Parochial House on 071 9164143.
The new
Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Plan 2015 - 2020 was launched at a special
concelebrated Mass in Derrylin Church, Co. Fermanagh on Sunday, 7th June
2015. To see a copy of the plan, please click on the link
All those taking up
approved Church Gate Collections are asked to do so after Masses only in
all three church areas. This is a long standing rule in the
parish and all collectors are asked to respect it. Mass goers are hit
for every collection. They at least deserve a break on their way into
Notices should not be
posted in any of the churches without obtaining permission first.
A name and contact number must accompany all items handed in for
publication in the parish newsletter.
You will find a map of
grave - sites and headstone details for Carrickatemple and Newtownmanor
New Cemetery on the website - You are asked to check the details given and
if some plots have been missed out or new names need to be put in,
please call 087 - 2076248. You may call up to 10.00pm at night. It is
hoped to put up a plaque with map and names at the graveyard entrance.
This has already been done in Killargue and if corrections need
to be made to any of the details there, please contact the number given
above as soon as possible with the details you wish to insert or change.
A special request when visiting or caring for
graves in any of the cemeteries - especially in the Abbey Cemeteries:
Please bring a plastic bag with you when tidying a grave and
take home broken wreaths, flower vases, dead plants and any other litter
that belongs to you. There is no collection facility in these
Do not throw discarded items into
the ditches or into the grass where they an absolute danger to those
doing strimming and maintenance.
Please do not let your dog off the lead in or near the cemeteries. The
Cemetery area and individual graves are very often fouled by dogs when
people take them for a walk and let them loose where they ought not be.
We should have respect for the dead and their relatives who maintain the
graves. Our cemeteries are sacred around - not a
canine playground!
Parish Pastoral Council has a special care for the faith and prayer life
of the parish, adult faith formation, liturgy, outreach, caring for the
sick and people in need, improved communications in the parish,
reviewing Mass times and generally improving everything to
do with parish life.
Parish Pastoral
Council 2016 -2020:
Fr. Paul Casey P.P.
Dromahair -
Kieran Kelly (Chairperson), Siobhán Conry (Secretary), Maria Foley, Mary
Brodie (Safeguarding Rep.).
Killargue -
Joseph Giblin, Mairead Sheridan, Kathy Travers - Kelly.
- Anne Dolan, Deirdre McDermott (Youth Officer), Seamus Storey.
more details about the work of Parish Pastoral Councils in the Diocese
of Kilmore,
Please Click Here.
Currently in the diocese of Kilmore we have Deacon Andy Brady
ministering in the parish of Urney & Annagelliffe. The late Deacon
Damien Kivlihan ministered in the parish of Killann. Deacon Padraig
Kelly from Glencar was ordained on Sunday 10th December 2017. Please pray and reflect carefully on this call to service in the
church as a permanent deacon (an ordained minister) and discuss this
with your family and your parish priest.
Bishop Leo O’Reilly launched the Permanent Diaconate in
the Diocese of Kilmore at a special gathering in the Diocesan Pastoral
Centre, Cavan, on Sunday 29th November 2009. The launch was attended by
representatives from every Parish Pastoral Council in the diocese as
well as the priests and representatives of the religious orders. The
gathering was addressed by Bishop O’Reilly, Fr. Gabriel Kelly, the
director of the Permanent Diaconate in Kilmore, Rev. Roger Evans a
Deacon from the Archdiocese of Southwark in England and his wife Mrs.
Maureen Evans and by Fr. Gearóid Dullea, co-ordinator of the formation
programme for the Permanent Diaconate in Ireland.
A permanent deacon is primarily
involved in works of charity and service, in promoting awareness of the
social teaching of the church and facilitating the development of lay
ministry in the parish. Deacons are also able to proclaim the gospel and
preach the homily at Sunday Mass, assist at the altar, perform baptisms,
preside at weddings and funeral services and be involved in the ongoing
evangelization that is an essential element of parish life in modern
Most deacons work in ordinary
full-time jobs and they help the people and priests of the parish in
their spare time. Those who wish to be deacons must be aged between 35
and 60 at the start of their programme of formation. The deacon must
work as part of a team and acknowledge and respect the contribution of
others from a position of equality. Deacons will be ordained to work
alongside priests and lay ministers not to replace them.
People in all three parish areas have a very special
tradition of having Masses said for their deceased relatives. However,
it is at times difficult to find space for all requests. So it is the
practice in some parishes to share anniversaries which occur at
weekends, if there are a number of requests for the same date. Schedules
can become particularly difficult at weekends during the Winter-Spring
period. In such circumstances it may be necessary for families to share
a weekend Mass.
It is Diocesan policy that each couple attend an ACCORD
Pre-Marriage Course. Facilitators giving these courses undergo continued
in-service training and supervision and the sacramental aspect of
marriage receives appropriate
attention. It is a wise practice to do a course up to a year before the
date of your marriage, a course only weeks before your wedding has not
the same value! All couples are asked to note this request and make
suitable and timely arrangements.
Offertory Collection: Day-to-day upkeep of each church,
repair and refurbishment of parish buildings and churches and the
running expenses of the relevant parish area during the year. The
Offertory Collection also makes a major contribution in topping up the
shortfall in the Diocesan Services Collection from the parish.
Dues: Support and upkeep for the priests of the
parish and diocese during the year. Please make Dues cheques
payable to 'Priests' Revenue Fund'.
Parishioners wishing
to receive Offertory Collection and Dues Envelopes should contact Fr
Paul Casey at the
Parochial House, Dromahair. Telephone - 071 9164143.
Your continuing generosity is
much appreciated!
Published by Drumlease - Killargue Parish Pastoral Council.
Last modified:
21/02/2025 23:55